Toronto Health and Weight Loss Coach

Discover our Comprehensive Nutrition and Activity Plan, eliminating uncertainty and igniting motivation for lasting results

Improve your overall health and maximize your results with a tailored program that combines effective nutrition strategies with proven training plans. Experience the sense of accomplishment that comes from pursuing the plan and achieving your goals.

How it works

  • This testing is only available as an add-on to our testing services. When booking an individual test, or test package, you will have the option to add this service during check-out.

  • We’ll use this hour to talk through current lifestyle, habits, preferences, goals, and motivation. We take the time to understand you beyond the data so you get a program that works in your life.

  • Using your test results and 1-hour consultation, we develop your unique, all-encompassing plan. Once your Nutrition, Activity, and Lifestyle Plans are ready we’ll make sure they work with you so you can commit to it and get results.

  • You’ll receive support from your coach with a Follow-up Check-in to keep you on track and tweak the plan for moving forward. And if you’re in the 4-month Wellness Coaching Program this includes 45-minute check-ins every month and regular communication via text and email to address concerns and challenges, and keep you motivated for lasting success.

Who It’s For

Our Comprehensive Nutrition and Activity Plan is specifically crafted for individuals who prefer self-guided approaches

and are confident in managing their fitness journey independently. It is especially appealing to those who undergo our Works Baseline Test and seek guidance on their next steps.

With our plan, all the uncertainty surrounding nutrition (calories-in) and exercise (calories-out) is eliminated, ensuring our clients can achieve their desired goals.

During the initial consultation, your coach will work with you to identify body composition and activity goals. Using these goals, the plans are designed to get you to your goals within a 12 to 16-week time frame.  The activity plan and goals are tailored to your current state. It could include a running program to get you across the finish line of your first 5k race, a weight training program to increase strength and muscle mass or a balanced conditioning program to improve your overall health and wellbeing.

What’s Included

  • Lifestyle Insights Session - Gather valuable data on your nutrition habits, activity levels, dietary preferences, past experiences, and expectations during this 45-minute interview.

  • Customized Macro Plan - Utilizing the insights from your lifestyle interview and relevant test results, our coach customizes a comprehensive macro plan, complete with example meals and food options, making it easy to track your daily intake without weighing.

  • Personalized Activity Guide - Achieve your goals with a detailed plan designed specifically for you. Whether it's a weight loss walking progression, strength training, cardio programming, or running plan for aspiring athletes, we've got you covered.

  • Plan Review Session - Discuss your activity and nutrition plan with our coach during a 45-minute call, where they'll address your questions and ensure everything aligns perfectly with your objectives.

  • Bi-Weekly Check-In - Stay on track with a 20-minute check-in call at the two-week mark, where your coach will provide support and help you overcome any challenges or concerns you may encounter.

    Price: $275+HST

Want to make sure it’s the right fit for you? Book a free phone consult to have all your questions answered so you get exactly what you want.

Our Nutrition and Activity Plan is only available as an add-on to our Individual Tests or Test Packages at checkout.